Cammie McKenzie

As founder and President of Hydro Grow LED, Cammie McKenzie supervises the expansion of the LED grow-light manufacturer. Since establishing the Santa Clarita, California group in 2008, she has developed numerous technologies in her field, including the first 60-degree lenses introduced to the market. Cammie McKenzie leveraged industry knowledge and scientific research to design these lenses, which focus light on the plants more directly than the more-prevalent wide-angle lenses and help effectively grow plants at three times their normal rate.
In 2010, Cammie McKenzie oversaw the research and development of a comprehensive, vertical light source that offered growing plants both side-to-side and top-to-bottom light, which she marketed as the Vertical LED Grow Light Tower. Committed to continuous improvement, McKenzie remains highly educated in her field, utilizing studies from Oxford University, NASA, and other prestigious institutions in her product maturation initiatives.
Cammie McKenzie laid the foundation for her career in entrepreneurship as a business student. While in school, she worked more than 30 hours a week while simultaneously raising her daughter and participating in gymnastics. Today, McKenzie directs Hydro Grow LED, a role which requires managing customer satisfaction, conducting tests on emerging technologies, and supervising the sales division.
In addition to her professional endeavors, she strives to support others through philanthropy. In the past, McKenzie has donated Hydro Grow LED products to a school that serves children coping with abuse or trauma. The students study plant growth and document progress. In her free time, she enjoys whitewater rafting, rock climbing, scuba diving, shopping, and dining.
My Links
- Viadeo Profile for Cammie McKenzie
- Cammie McKenzie on Entrepreneur
- Wordpress Blog for Cammie McKenzie
- Cammie McKenzie | BIgsight