Jay Frohwirth

A seasoned entrepreneur with experience in education, staff outreach, direct and phone sales, financial planning, and the design of marketing campaigns, Jay Frohwirth currently acts as owner and General Manager of Easy Method Driving School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He assumed the role in 1991 and endeavored to expand the business’s reach, growing it from a small company with six cars into a full-service operation with 30 employees. Additionally, Frohwirth architected an initiative that effectively emphasized the importance of mainstream driver education, an effort that led to the re-integration of driver training courses into the Milwaukee Public Schools system. Committed to developing sustainable programs and policies that will benefit the community for generations to come, Jay Frohwirth also collaborated with institutions including the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, the Private Industry Council of Milwaukee, the Veterans Administration, and COA Youth & Family Centers.
Today, Jay Frohwirth’s company garners a surplus of $1 million in annual sales. He credits the success to a business plan that combines employee education, continuing public advocacy, sales forecasting, and research-based accounting. He frequently coaches elderly drivers at risk of losing their license, and he leads monthly seminars for parents of new drivers. Jay Frohwirth laid the foundation for his career at Milton College, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing. Outside of his work with Easy Method Driving School, Jay Frohwirth enjoys a variety of hobbies. An avid outdoorsman, he and his wife often take advantage of the local natural landscape, whether through camping, hiking, or boating.
My Links
- Jay Frohwirth on PeoplePond
- Jay Frohwirth on Twitter
- Jay Frohwirth's WordPress Blog