Marlen Bouzon

Marlen Bouzon has done outstanding work for the Social Services industry. Her reputation for setting goals and meeting them has garnered Marlen Bouzon the results she wants. While working her first job in the industry as a Supervised Visitation Observer, Marlen and her teammates received the Social Services Team of the Year Award for the Miami Dade County in 2000. Marlen’s habit of working consistently and effectively remained with her when she left her job as a Supervised Visitation Observer for a more demanding position as a Supervised Visitation Coordinator. Marlen and her teammates at Family Court Services won the Team of the Year award within the 11th Judicial Circuit in 2006. The fact that the two winning teams have had Marlen as a member is no coincidence; her ability to push herself and meet goals helped her team achieve success both years. The drive and endurance Marlen possessed was put to the test in 2004, however, when she took up an additional job as a Specialist for Dependency Drug Court. As a Specialist, Marlen again defied all odds: she helped Drug Court achieve success in over 80% of the cases in the program. Marlen Bouzon studied psychology and earned her Master of Social Work degree at Florida International University. Marlen puts all her training and knowledge to work while engaged in both of her jobs, but by far her greatest tool is her passion for what she does. Marlen cares about the families that she helps and desires nothing more than to do the best job possible.