Larson Douglas Hudson

Larson Douglas Hudson’s career as a medical supply executive began in 1999, when he founded the company HearingPlanet. During his eight-year tenure as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of HearingPlanet, Larson Douglas Hudson used his unique organizational and management skills to build the company from the ground up until it became the largest hearing aid distributor in the United States. Under Larson Douglas Hudson’s leadership, HearingPlanet set new precedents for the industry and provided patients with a more convenient and beneficial way to obtain hearing aids. In his subsequent role as Chairman and CEO of Simplex Healthcare, Inc., Larson Douglas Hudson has continued to apply the same level of dedication and competence to generate even higher levels of growth for the diabetes medical supplies delivery company. Under Larson Douglas Hudson’s direction, Simplex Healthcare has grown from a patient base of 20,000 to over 230,000 patients, and the company has twice earned recognition from Inc. Magazine as a top 500 company. Larson Douglas Hudson began his college education at Eckerd College in Florida, where he studied Organizational Behavior, graduating with a Bachelor of Science in 1991. As a graduate student at Vanderbilt University’s Owen Graduate School of Management, Larson Douglas Hudson excelled in the areas of finance and accounting, earning his Masters in Business Management in 1994. Larson Douglas Hudson became a high-ranking executive at the investment banking firm J.C. Bradford & Company, where he served for five years before starting his own business. Although his career at Simplex Healthcare is often demanding, Larson Douglas Hudson likes to make time to spend with his children, family, and close friends. An outdoor enthusiast, Larson Douglas Hudson can often be found jogging, at the beach, or learning to pilot small airplanes.
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- Larson Douglas Hudson on CVShare
- Larson Douglas Hudson on Naymz