Christine Stanton Petersen

With a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Science in Communicative Disorders from the University of Redlands in California, Christine Stanton Petersen embarked on a career as a speech-language pathologist. Licensed by the state of California, Ms. Petersen earned a Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology and California Rehabilitative Services Credential, with special day class authorization.
Christine Stanton Petersen diagnoses and treats many patients with speech-related disorders, including Asperger’s syndrome, autism, fetal alcohol syndrome, and aphasia. Over the course of her career, Ms. Petersen has brought her expertise to the aid of patients ranging from children to adolescents.
Ms. Petersen is currently the founder and Director of Circle of Friends, an organization that offers social cognition groups with locations in Newport Beach and Aliso Viejo, California. At Circle of Friends, Ms. Petersen performs comprehensive speech-language evaluations of children and young adults. The purposes of these examinations are to encourage early diagnosis and treatment of disorders likely to affect social development and integration. In addition to interacting with patients to develop skills in areas such as conversation, conflict resolution, and abstract thought, Ms. Petersen also works closely with parents and school officials to initiate behavioral modification and training on behalf of the patient.
Christine Stanton Petersen has also served as Director for the Circle of Friends Summer Adventure Camp, a one-week program designed to create a safe, exciting environment to help children with autism and Asperger’s syndrome learn to socialize with peers.
As a member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association , Christine Stanton Petersen carefully observes trends and development in the field of speech-language pathology. In addition to her work with Circle of Friends, Ms. Petersen currently maintains a private practice focusing on treating children with autism spectrum disorders, language and learning disabilities, and hearing impairments, and various speech impediments.
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