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Layne Hunt

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Layne Hunt

Layne Hunt’s story is one of passion for education. Hunt currently teaches graduate students at Concordia University in Ann Arbor, Michigan but started out as the first person in his family to graduate from college. Hunt was awarded the MLK Rosa Park Caesar Chavez Fellowship at Eastern Michigan University. Hunt graduated with at degree in Education. For most of the 1990’s, Hunt was a middle school and high school teacher with the El Paso Independent School District and the Detroit Public Schools, respectively. Hunt became Assistant Principal of Bradford High School in Kenosha, Wisconsin during the 1996/97 school year. During his time in Kenosha, Layne Hunt’s impact on the community and students was profound. Hunt began the first inter scholastic sports program of Ruther Central High School’s history which is still in existence today and has grown. Hunt was recognized by the district for increasing the attendance rates as well as having a very positive influence on the students he served. Dr. Hunt received numerous awards of recognition throughout his teaching tenure, ranging from Teacher of the Year in 1990 to five different nominations for Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers. Hunt was consistently ranked among the top teachers in the school and was well-liked by his students. Hunt received national recognition for being an excellent educator. Hunt eventually became a Principal after his tenure in Kenosha. Hunt received a Doctorate in Education Administration for Nova Southeastern University in 2002 while working as the Principal of Monroe High School in Monroe, Michigan. It was at Monroe that Hunt started using his new administrative power to make some big changes. By the time he departed, Hunt had increased the graduation rate by a glowing 20 percent, not to mention increasing attendance rates and decreasing overall disruptive behavior. Major beautification efforts were also a successful hallmark of Hunt’s administration, and he made the school more efficient and held fund raisers more fiscally accountable. Dr. Hunt also established many opportunities and memorials which acknowledged the academic excellence of students at Monroe High School. For his efforts, the school was awarded the Governor’s Cup two years in a row for academic excellence. In addition, student enrollment was also increased under Hunt’s administration. Hunt left Monroe to be the principal at Fairplain Renaissance Middle School in Benton Harbor, Michigan after which he became the Principal of Ypsilanti High School where he was recruited to lead the organizational changes needed to increase academic achievement and the implementation of a $300,000 Federal Grant to implement small learning communities within a large comprehensive high school. Everywhere this educator has contributed, the academic performance has increased and staff accountability is paramount. Today, Hunt has made the transition from the High School Principal to a College Instructor and Superintendent of Woodward Academy in Detroit, Michigan. As Superintendent of Woodward Academy substantial improvements have already begun and parents, students, and staff are energized to engage in the learning process again. In his role as both leader of the academy and college instructor, Hunt’s primary goal is to increase the effectiveness of educators at every level. One can only hope that Hunt’s students’ will someday be as successful as he.

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