Jason M Breakey

Jason Breakey serves as the President of Metro Advertising, a consulting firm that specializes in generating direct-response leads, marketing, and developing management strategies for businesses. Jason Breakey draws upon more than a decade of hard-earned experience in the dating-services industry, and his businesses have survived economic challenges such as the dot.com bust and the current recession. Jason Breakey utilizes a systematic set of strategies to overcome the obstacles common to dating-services companies and achieve profitability while controlling costs. Jason Breakey’s advice centers on the principles of cost reduction and imaginative and effective uses of online resources to generate traffic and locate temporary workers on an as-needed basis to control operating costs. Jason Breakey also utilizes his talents to support charitable organizations in the fight against two common diseases, leukemia and lymphoma. He raises funds and awareness through his work as a Coordinator for CharitySingles.org, which supports the The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. CharitySingles.org enables individuals to pool their collective abilities in support of worthy causes, such as the Light the Night Walk. Jason Breakey’s skills in planning and management help make such efforts a success. Additionally, he volunteers with The Salvation Army. Describing himself as a serial entrepreneur, Jason Breakey draws inspiration from a variety of literary sources, including Pearl S. Buck’s classic historical novel The Good Earth.
My Links
- Jason M Breakey on Linkedin
- Jason M Breakey on About Me
- Jason M Breakey on Xing