Christ Church Kirkland

A growing church based in Kirkland, Washington, Christ Church Kirkland teaches about God and aims to build a strong community among members and empowers them to change the world. Members of Christ Church Kirkland put Christ before all else in their lives and aim to develop a close relationship with Him. As part of this bond, they also understand that they have a covenant with God. They view God as their Father and see themselves as his daughters and sons of God. Their deep love and reverence for God informs all other aspects of community life at Christ Church Kirkland.
Christ Church Kirkland teaches a strong understanding of authority and submission. Like children who adhere to their parents’ wishes, Christians submit to the authority of their God-given leaders. The church acknowledges the ancient belief in “ekklesia,” the Greek word for the Christian Church. While many denominations think of ekklesia only in terms of community or a feeling of belonging, Christ Church Kirkland teaches that a true ekklesia also governs.
Additionally, Christ Church Kirkland understands that each generation hands their faith down to the next. This principle of “generational transfer” informs every aspect of family life in the church. Unlike many others of its size, the church encourages all ages to worship together. Youth services occur on the first Sunday of each month. Teen groups meet on Wednesday nights to allow them to attend the home-based services with their families on Thursday nights. Even the Christ Church Academy works within the generational transfer framework. While the school embraces a classical curriculum, parents work together to teach all of the community’s children.
With an emphasis on faith and community, Christ Church Kirkland focuses on its worship services and ministries. Saturday evening and Sunday morning services are jubilant experiences full of praise. The church works to change the culture through education and a strong devotion to the arts. Finally, members recognize that God calls all human beings to be his children. At the church, people of all nationalities are welcomed into the faith community.
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