Bruce Maag

Bruce C. Maag is the Chief Executive Officer for International Phoenix Group, a company he started that now employs over 100 staff and has over 350 youth in Treatment Foster Care. International Phoenix Group focuses on the severely emotionally disturbed and under-served youths in North America. From June 2000 until the present, Maag has been building the structure of this new organization. They now have offices in seven states and are serving youth on a daily basis. Prior to beginning International Phoenix Group, Bruce founded the organization SAFY of America in 1984. Bruce started this organization in Ohio in January with zero youth in placement. After he left his post with SAFY in 1999 to be with his wife who was battling Leukemia, the organization had sprouted in 10 states, had over 1,300 youths in placement, and employed over 250 staff members. The organization had also added on 10 other types of affiliated programs. These other programs included a run-away shelter, an MRDD component, a sex offender program, a pre-school program, a full-service travel agency, a national training program, a medically fragile program, an in-home intervention component, a girls’ residential program, and a national consulting service. Mr. Maag’s organization was recognized as one of the top 10 Treatment Foster Care Programs in North America, displaying remarkable growth for a 16-year period. Bruce Maag’s record shows a man with a deep commitment to helping the lives of children who need it. He is a Diplomat of the American Psychotherapy Association and one of several founders (and fifth president) of the Foster Family Based Treatment Association (FFTA), where he served on the Board for 10 years. In 1994, Bruce Maag received the Virginia Colson award from the Ohio Association for Child Caring Agencies for outstanding services to children, youth, and families in Ohio.