Mind Healing Miracles

Mind Healing Miracles provides holistic health services that combine rigorous science with spiritual knowledge. Dedicated to the belief that the mind is instrumental to healing, the program offers clients ongoing education concerning the role of belief in achieving wellness. By accessing the tools Mind Healing Miracles offers, participants have the opportunity to work toward the development of healthy bodies, minds, and spirits.
On its website, the program stresses the role of physical movement in achieving overall health and offers pictorial depictions of stretching, cycling, swimming, and low-impact exercise. The Mind Healing Miracles method cites the importance of a healthy diet in wellness and notes the necessity of eating a range of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts, legumes, and whole grains, for those in search of personal healing.
Peter Copani, the founder of Mind Healing Miracles, has devoted four decades to serving others through health-related writing, public speaking, and consultation. He presents frequently on issues such as innovation, creativity, manifestation, and the development of healthy lifestyles. Through the practice of Visionizing, a technique he pioneered nearly 40 years ago, clients are afforded the opportunity to explore alternative approaches to wellness and take charge of their health. For related resources, they may turn to books written by Copani, such as Make Miracles Happen and Peter Copani’s Handbook for People in Search of Love, Money, Power, Happiness, Inspiration, Sound Health, And/or Peace of Mind.
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