Jeffrey Loy

Scientist and Skeptic Carl Sagan
By Jeffrey Loy
As one of the most famous scientists of the 20th century, Carl Sagan endeavored throughout his life to comprehend the universe, particularly the planetary system, and share the thrill of scientific discovery with the public. Gifted as a scientist, he possessed an uncanny ability to explain complex scientific findings in a simple fashion. Born in New York in 1934, the scientist completed undergraduate studies and a doctoral degree in astronomy at the University of Chicago. He served as a postdoctoral fellow in biology at the University of California, Berkeley, and at Stanford University. He taught at Harvard University, and for 28 years, he acted as the Director of the Laboratory for Planetary Studies and the David Duncan Professor of Astronomy at Cornell University.
Carl Sagan aided in charting solar system exploration via spacecraft as a consultant to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). An accomplished research scientist, he also assisted in defining the disciplines of planetary science and exobiology. He studied Venus and Mars extensively, edited professional journal Icarus, and wrote Cosmos (transformed into an award-winning television series) and Contact, a science-fiction novel that became a movie.
In his later years, Carl Sagan defended scientific reason, struggling against the proliferation of pseudoscience in astrology, alien abductions, New Age fads, and other areas. During this time, he wrote a column in Parade magazine in which he discussed new discoveries and debunked faulty science. Carl Sagan died in 1996 at age 62, leaving a rich scientific legacy.
About the author: An animal behavior expert and Director of Research at The Center for Animal Behavioral Research in New Jersey, Jeffrey Loy admires the work of Carl Sagan and shares his skepticism of pseudoscience. Jeffrey Loy has effectively debunked much of the literature and accepted principles of dog and animal behavior, which have become, unfortunately, embedded in the political correctness of the United States, leading to the tragic and unnecessary death of more than 20 million dogs a year and the suffering of so many others. He has proven the veracity of his findings throughout his life by putting himself in harm’s way to save those animals that no one else would dare approach. Jeffrey Loy has become the No. 1 authority on the cures and prevention of the most severe behavioral problems, namely those that involve aggression, biting, and fighting. For half a century, his motto has been: "The bite stops here! No animal dies on my watch."
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