Darcy Bergen

Darcy Bergen has led hundreds of seminars educating seniors about all aspects of financial planning. His company, Clear Solutions for Seniors, provides guidance in the areas of retirement planning, tax management, estate planning, risk management, education funding, investment planning, and legacy planning. With 20 years of experience in financial planning and life insurance planning, Darcy Bergen possesses the necessary skills to tackle any money question. Darcy Bergen presents these seminars in United States as well as in his native Canada. He conducts approximately 50 financial planning workshops a year in Saskatchewan. Based in Scottsdale, Arizona, Clear Solutions for Seniors offers seniors a chance to evaluate their financial status and protect their hard earned savings. Darcy Bergen established Clear Solutions for Seniors with his partner Arnold Weiner, based on the belief that having a plan is a critical step in financial and retirement planning. Darcy Bergen realizes that managing one’s finances can seem like a hopelessly complex task, but Clear Solutions for Seniors can guide anyone through the process. Darcy Bergen’s company website contains valuable educational tools for individuals interested in taking charge of their financial future. The site features Learning Center articles on many general financial topics and provides easy-to-understand fact sheets. These resources are updated regularly in order to stay abreast of current information, legislation, and economic trends. The website also contains newsletters, e-seminars, market watch capabilities, and a calculator. Darcy Bergen has presented at the Gathering of Angels, a private monthly meeting of private, high net worth angel investors, venture capitalists, and merchant bankers. He currently serves as President of Bergen’s Mission, an organization that raises money to help orphans in Africa. A past professional member of the Million Dollar Round Table, Darcy Bergen lives in Scottsdale, Arizona.
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- Darcy Bergen's Ziki Profile