Alex Shamash

Messenger Plus! Head of Business Development Software Alex Shamash contributes generously to several national and international nonprofit organizations. The Afikim Foundation, one of the organizations that benefits from Alex Shamash, Through these wellsprings, The Afikim Foundation provides communities in need with dedicated outreach professionals, maintains the Our One Soul: and aids underprivileged or impoverished families. Alex Shamash also supports JustGiving, a nonprofit organization established in 2000 to facilitate fundraising on the Internet by providing people with the tools and resources necessary to take their causes online.
Particularly moved by the plight of suffering children, Mr. Shamash directs a substantial amount of his charitable giving to Hadassah Youth /Children at Risk. Founded in the early 1930s, Hadassah Youth/Children at Risk provides aid and educational programs for disadvantaged children; immigrants from Ethiopia and the former Soviet Union; neglected and abused children; and children with learning disabilities at its three youth villages. Alex Shamash also works to protect young people at Messenger Plus!, creating new tools that make it possible for parents to safeguard their children from online predators and other threats present on the Internet.
A graduate of The University of Manchester, the United Kingdom’s largest single-site university, Alex Shamash completed his undergraduate studies in Europe. Mr. Shamash received a combined degree in Media Studies and Business Administration at the highly regarded university. In 2003, Mr. Shamash joined Messenger Plus! as the Head of Business Development Software and immediately proved himself a motivated, creative, and diligent team leader. A valuable and influential member of the Messenger Plus! team, Mr. Shamash pioneers many of the innovations present in Messenger Plus! Live, the free Windows Live Messenger add-on downloaded more than 500 million times since 2001. Alex Shamash and his team completed and released the latest version of Messenger Plus! Live in January 2011.
My Links
- Alex Shamash's Blog on Wordpress
- Alex Shamash on Peoplepond
- Alex Shamash on Ryze