Bernard Gauci
Bernard Gauci, Emeritus Professor at Hollins University, has an extensive academic and professional background. In 1970, he received his B.A. in economics from the University of Malta. He went on to study at the University of New Hampshire, where he completed his M.A. in 1972, and his Ph.D. in economics in 1981. Between 1978 and 2005, Bernard Gauci served at Hollins University as assistant professor and later as associate professor, and served for several terms as chair of the Economics Department. He has also taught on a part time basis at various other universities, including the University of New Hampshire, the University of Malta, Lynchburg College, and Roanoke College. His professional career outside academia is as extensive. Bernard Gauci has provided consultancy services in economics. Bernard Gauci has contributed to various publications. These include “Governments, markets, and industry” in “Malta and the EU: Together in Change?”, “Old information and market efficiency” in Economics Letters, and “The Endogenous Economist: Unique-Model and Multiple-Model Representations of Reality” in The American Journal of Economics and Sociology.
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