Bahman Baktiari

The author of numerous works on religion and foreign politics, Bahman Baktiari possesses expertise gained through more than two decades of academic and applied service in international affairs. Baktiari currently acts as the Executive Director for the International Foundation for Civil Society, an organization advancing the cause of democracy and social justice in regions of political agitation. Advocating for human rights services such as public health facilities and access to clean water, the organization shares Baktiari’s interest in the politically turbulent areas of North Africa and the Middle East.
In 2011, Bahman Baktiari authored an article in the book Shari'a Politics: Islamic Law and Society in the Modern World, published by Indiana University Press. Examining the effects of Muslim culture on the contemporary political landscape, Baktiari’s text synthesizes many of his previous works addressing both spiritual and civic aspects of Islam’s followers. Building on the themes addressed in his recent publication, Bahman Baktiari presently heads a project titled Reconciling Islam with Democracy: Paving the Way for Democratic Changes in the Muslim World. He recently lent his expertise on Shari'a law to research by Boston University’s Institute on Culture, Religion and World Affairs seeking to evaluate the sociological effects of religious policies. In addition to Baktiari’s academic focus on the topic of Islam and Shari'a law, he has written prolifically about Iranian politics and retains membership in the United States Institute for Peace's Working Group on Iran.
Bahman Baktiari’s academic articles have been featured in prominent publications around the globe, including the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World and the Iranian Journal of International Affairs. Beyond his accomplishments as an author, Baktiari has provided interviews for National Public Radio's Morning Edition, the Wall Street Journal, and the Christian Science Monitor, among other media outlets. He holds both a Ph.D. in Government and an M.A. in Foreign Affairs from the University of Virginia.
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