
FAFSA.com, the online site for Student Financial Aid Services Inc., was established more than 20 years ago by Michael Alexander, an experienced college financial aid director. Mr. Alexander developed the services offered at FAFSA.com after witnessing firsthand the difficulties students and their families had in accurately completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This issue was a critical problem, as it significantly reduced financial aid eligibility for many of the individuals he advised, negatively impacting their ability to afford a quality education.
More than a simply a website, FAFSA.com represents two large client service centers manned by more than 250 Student Aid Advisors and specialists. These highly trained FAFSA.com professionals are conversant in both U.S. Department of Education and IRS regulations, providing detailed consultation with clients on a year-round basis. Their expertise extends beyond completing FAFSA quickly and accurately and includes strategies in budgeting for college and meeting filing deadlines.
In addition to helping clients organize their application materials, FAFSA.com advisors undertake a detailed review of the forms. They catch and correct common mistakes such as miscalculation of the expected family contribution (EFC), enabling the smooth and timely processing of documents among federal aid-disbursing agencies. FAFSA.com bolsters this human review with the software-based FAFSACheck™ 450-point review, which significantly reduces the possibility of calculation errors, invalid answers, and major discrepancies.
College aid deadlines vary by state and institution and are a primary consideration for FAFSA applicants. FAFSA.com offers personalized support services and communication programs that assist clients in staying on top of all financial aid deadlines. Student Financial Aid Services Inc. notably maintains America’s largest database of college aid deadlines at FAFSA.com and staffs client service centers with Student Aid Advisors until midnight Central Time before every major filing deadline.
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