Geno Brunton

A venture capital investor and entrepreneur, BrunCorp Chief Executive Officer Geno Brunton possesses over two decades of experience as the director of multibillion-dollar businesses. Mr. Brunton’s experience in venture capital investment alone includes work as an integral member of a number of joint venture and acquisition efforts; he held responsibility for managing multi-fund budgets ranging from $10 million to as high as $10 billion, with revenue projections of over $100 million. Geno Brunton’s investment savvy and careful leadership in these ventures led to expense reductions that resulted in higher staff morale, improved client confidence, and profit margin increases as high as 30 percent overall. Geno Brunton has always pursued a diversified business investment portfolio. Mass media production ventures are no exception, and Mr. Brunton founded MediaGroup early in his career to further expand into the entertainment market. Since its founding, MediaGroup has grown to include subsidiary firms BrunCorp Entertainment, The BCC Group, and iTV Media Networks. Geno Brunton’s work in the media profession includes the executive production of major feature films, television shows, and news programming. He led the development and operations of Business World News from its inception through national and later international syndication; the program has been honored with an Emmy Award and has been featured on CNBC, among other prominent business-related news organizations. The BCC Group now incorporates six subsidiary companies under its umbrella, including BCC TV, BCC Media, and BCC Advertising.
My Links
- Geno Brunton BrunCorp Business Website
- Geno Brunton on Ryze
- Geno Brunton on Gather
- Geno Brunton on MyPlaxo
- Geno Brunton on Multiply