Elena Landi SEO/SEM and Photographer

This website offers a selection of photographs and web projects realized by me in the course of time. My love for photography together with my expertise in the web environment have encouraged me in realizing this site. It’s a case in which my many and vary means of expressions have a collocation. My knowledge of the web has evolved with time particularly in the sense of internet based communication, developing projects as a Project Manager and/or SEO/SEM Specialist. This website has been deliberately designed to be simple and easily usable, optimized for search engines to be highly visible and competitive. Special attention should be given to the “Emozioni” and “Photo Blog” sections – a personal journey into the study of one’s own emotions, actual evolution of my own concept of creativity and expression. I currently live in Rome and divide my time between the working as a freelance photographer and the collaboration as a SEO/SEM Specialist with a Web Agency for which I take care of positioning websites on search engines.
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