Benjamin Mautner
Benjamin Mautner’s current position as a Script Writer for the acclaimed The Diane Rehm Show requires him to create compelling content for an audience of more than 2.2 million weekly listeners. Drawing from a wide-ranging educational background, Mr. Mautner writes timely and informative scripts for the program's sophisticated listeners.
Benjamin Mautner spent several years at St. Albans School, a prestigious all-boys preparatory academy located in Washington, D.C. Mr. Mautner wrote for the St. ALbans News and was a National Merit Scholarship finalist. A keen student of Latin and Ancient Greek, Benjamin Mautner earned distinction as the recipient of the Maureen O’Donnell Oxford Classical Dictionary Award, which recognizes four years of gold medals achieved on the National Latin Exam. During summer 2005, Mr. Mautner traveled to Russia and Eastern Europe as part of the John Eisenstein Fellowship. In fall 2005, he received recognition as the sole student designated to join the Princeton Humanities Symposium, a two-day meeting on ancient Greek culture held at the university.
After graduation from St. Albans, Benjamin Mautner enrolled at Princeton University, an Ivy League institution founded in 1746 and one of the top academic and research centers in the world. He completed two periods of overseas study while attending Princeton. In summer 2007, he traveled to Munich, where he completed an intensive course in the German language. The following autumn, Mr. Mautner studied Medieval Scottish history and Scottish literature at the University of Edinburgh.
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