Shoriful Islam
• Experienced Team Leader / Software Engineer / Programmer / Faculty. • Three years of experience in software development with expertise in .NET Web-based database applications, client-server / n-tier architectures, relational databases. • Experienced on verious data feed (LS, CJ etc). • Experienced on Virtual mall system. • Experienced on MLM. • Experienced on Affiliate Marketing. • Experienced on Agile Methodology and XP ( Extreme Programming). • Highly effective with customers, end users, upper management, and technical project managers and developers in teams. Self starter. • Effective leader with analytical, business, financial, training skills. • Strong interpersonal, team skills. • Effective working with technical and non-technical functions and users • Positive change agent and mentor familiar with the latest Microsoft products, initiatives, and n-tier system architecture and OOA/D and OOP. • Design, enhancement, maintenance of a variant of internet sites supporting consumers and businesses. • Strategic and tactical thinker, team player, effective facilitator and change agent. • Actively involved in the leadership of all projects I have worked on. • Skilled Analyst and interviewer capable of uncovering full system interactions and effectively writing use cases, application requirements, and test plans covering wide ranging business processes. Specialties: Web 2.0, ASP.NET 2.0, C#.NET 2.0, AJAX, ASP.NET 2.0, Agile-XP, .NET 2.0 Framework, Data Feed, RSS, XML, Web Service, SQL Server 2005, NUnit, Ruby on Rails.
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