
Quinti.net is the personal website of Jesús Quintana, multimedia and web designer based in Sarria, Lugo (Spain). Expert in XHTML 1.1 and CSS) layout standards, and the study of accessibility, usability and navegability. Compliance of web sites with the WAI-W3C procedures together with web positioning. Professional with the ability to plan and execute Internet projects, with 6 years experience in project management of the following fundamental concepts:: * Ideas * Analysis * Strategy * TIC Architecture * Accessible user design * Technical implementation * Management * Marketing on line / Web position : PROFESSIONAL You will find my C.V. and PortFolio on this site. The PortFolio reflects the work carried out the during the past four years since I started my Multimedia Degree studies (Graduado en Multimedia). Resources: Link checker and various links to online website testing and checking tools (HTML validators, etc) and PHP Scripts, for example a free and secure anti-spam contact form with CAPTCHA. Links to web and multimedia programming and design Services. I hope you find all these useful.
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