Life Mobile

LifeMobile is the fastest growing PREPAID Company in the history of wireless. As executives and employees of some of the world's wireless giants, we learned this business from the best, but we had an idea of how to make it that much better for our customers and retailers. It required our sophisticated software and ability to get it off the ground. Back in early 2009, we huddled and strategized in our office for months until our idea became a reality. The company was molded into what it is today after listening to customers needs and what makes them happy. Now, LifeMobile is soaring off the charts. We strive to make our service better every day. You want unlimited nationwide and international text? Done. You want 4G speeds and a constantly expanding coverage area? We have that. Wireless Broadband? Check. You want to keep your current smartphone and lose the contract? Done. Bottom line, we hear you and we're here to help make LIFE easier.
Our service is designed for customers whose wireless needs are not currently being satisfied, people who believe that expensive contracts are a thing of the past, and individuals who are done with intrusive credit checks and hidden charges. LifeMobile can give you unlimited talk, unlimited international text and unlimited web service, backed by a major nationwide network with great coverage, we deliver a cutting-edge experience, at an unbelievably low price. All you need is your own phone or buy one at a store, choose the right plan for you and pre-pay a small monthly fee.
LifeMobile gives you the wireless service you can't afford to live without, at a price you can live with. Your Iphone (using H2O), Android (using T-Mobile), unlocked GSM (using Simple Mobile), unlocked Sprint, Page Plus, or Boost phone is all you need! No complications. No endless bills. No compromises. To put it simply, LifeMobile is life changing.