Keva Silversmith

Keva Silversmith is an accomplished public relations professional with a decade's experience communicating complex issues to internal and external audiences. Silversmith is a licensed member of the Florida bar, and he uses his master's level rhetorical training to communicate persuasively and with precision. Silversmith's experience extends across major sectors of the economy. He has worked as a public relations professional in health care, the restaurant industry, the apparel sector, and in the non-profit world. Keva Silversmith is an expert in virtually every aspect of the communications field, including speech writing, investor relations, crisis communications and social media. He has achieved success at growing, high-energy organizations that value his enthusiasm and dedication. When he's not providing PR solutions for international companies and organizations, Silversmith is busy fulfilling his passion for fitness, having even worked as a personal fitness trainer. Keva Silversmith's fitness blog can be found at, and he publishes his exercise-related thoughts frequently on sites around the Web.
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