Joseph Corazzi

Mr. Corazzi founded the Capital Group in the early 60's to specialize in finance and compete in telecommunications worldwide. Mr. Corazzi possesses extensive experience in shaping and translating media and entertainment into business opportunities. Mr. Corazzi founded his own communications company in 1974 that became one of the first suppliers of hotel/motel satellite video entertainment using master antenna TV systems and satellite earth station technology. Mr. Corazzi’s firm pioneered the first installation of 24 hour satellite television entertainment for hotel customers. During this time Mr. Corazzi also owned and operated cable television and pay television systems throughout the southwest region of the United States. Mr. Corazzi was already familiar with the region, having earned his undergraduate degree in Economics from the University of New Mexico. In 1985, Mr. Corazzi was integral in the creation of Country Music Television ("CMT"), the first all country, all-music video programming service. Mr. Corazzi was helped in his efforts to launch CMT by G. Dean Daniels, Jr. and his father, Glenn D. Daniels, Sr. Mr. Corazzi graduated from the University of New Mexico and completed course work for his master's degree in communications at the University of Wisconsin. Mr. Corazzi is also President and owner of Capital Associates, a company that provides services to various entertainment, communications and gaming firms.
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