Jim Callender

Freelance Web Developer, Jim Callender Award Winning Freelance Web Developer, with expertise in the design and development of web sites, and applications. Expertise in creating web sites, using W3C guidelines for web standards and Accessibility. Valid XHTML code, with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), resulting in lean, accessible web pages that are also great for search engines. Jim Callender is a adaptable, fast-learning and co-operative freelancer, with a strong passion for the web. His skills are in web development. Living in Brighton, and working throughout the South-East on a variety of projects for small to medium size businesses. Also contracting for a number of independent web agencies. Generally, either working with individuals on a freelance basis or larger clients on fixed term contracts. I've worked for various charities, government agencies and publishing firms. Producing work for clients of international renown in the commercial sector.
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