Jean Conille
Entrepreneur, philanthropist, and freedom fighter are just a few names that can be associated with Jean Conille. Born in Haiti to prestigious parents, Jean was deemed extremely gifted with a phenomenal memory as a child, and possessed an uncanny sense of organization when it came to problem solving. At age 7, Jean had already competed in the national chess championship in his native country. He then traveled to Montreal to finish high school, after skipping two grades and graduating, all by the age of 15. Shortly into his University career, Jean's mother became terminally ill and passed away, abruptly ending his studies at College Andre Laurendeau. Determined to succeed, Jean started his first business, which began with numerous trials and tribulations since bankers were hesitant to give a loan or open a business account to a black 19 year old. However, he persevered through these inequalities and held his head high despite the racial stereotypes that were placed upon him. At 22, Jean Conille was a self-made millionaire. Despite his flowing success, new social injustices pervaded the community he lived in. Conille continued to feel like an outsider among other business professionals, and came to the conclusion that although these influential deciders respected him, they would still never go as far as handing out an invite to a personal affair. Jean Conille decided to challenge this social injustice and evoke a more harmonized community; he created the “Jean Conille Foundation,” which reaches out to young ethnic entrepreneurs, just like himself. Through this organization, Mr. Conille hopes to help them achieve their goals and educate the general public about how important contributions made by visible minorities in Canada really are.
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