James Enstrom
Dr. James Enstrom is an epidemiologist, research professor, and passionate advocate for maintaining integrity in scientific research. Enstrom has lectured and conducted scientific research for over 40 years, with work published in numerous major peer-reviewed journals. His training includes a Ph.D. in Physics from Stanford University and a Master of Public Health in Epidemiology and a postdoctoral certificate in cancer epidemiology from the University of California, Los Angeles. Dr. James Enstrom specializes in research that examines environmental and lifestyle factors affecting the development of cancer and other major diseases. In addition, he founded the Scientific Integrity Institute in 2005 to raise awareness of the crucial need to maintain precision, objectivity, and integrity in the conduct and evaluation of scientific research in epidemiology.
Dr. Enstrom's research findings provide an alternative view to commonly accepted results that government officials cite when creating air quality regulations which carry widespread economic and political consequences. His research has significant implications on public health research, including his conclusions that certain healthy lifestyle factors have a major impact on increasing longevity. Dr. Enstrom's focus involves objectively evaluating research findings to draw conclusions entirely supported by the data without catering to any political agenda. He has been active and vocal in challenging regulatory boards on the scientific validity of their data analysis. He is currently challenging the California Air Resources Board over impending diesel regulations in California that carry significant economic consequences and that could usher in national regulations that are not scientifically justified.
Dr. Enstrom's extensive experience qualifies him to stand at the center of debate surrounding public health and air quality issues. He has devoted his four-decade career to conducting critical inquiries into the impact of major factors, such as smoking and particulate matter, on mortality rates. Dr. Enstrom's findings have been consistently substantiated by a wide range of peer-reviewed research studies. In his role as President of the Scientific Integrity Institute, Dr. Enstrom furthers awareness about the importance of integrity, rigor, and objectivity in scientific research. Dr. Enstrom also serves as a life member of the American Physical Society and a thirty-year fellow of the American College of Epidemiology.
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