Isaac Schmidt

Dr. Isaac Schmidt is a medical practitioner and pain management specialist at Epic Medical Doctors in Beverly Hills, California. The practice specializes in the treatment of orthopedics, sports medicine, internal medicine, neurosurgery, and cardiology. Dr. Isaac Schmidt completed his medical degree at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, and his internship at the American British Cowdray Hospital in Mexico City. He held residency posts at Haddassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, Israel, and at several hospitals in Toronto, Canada: St. Michael’s, Sunnybrook, Wellesley, and Mount Sinai. He also held fellowships in joint replacement at the University of California, Los Angeles and in pediatric orthopedics at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children. Dr. Isaac Schmidt entered private practice in 1986. He is trained as a Qualified Medical Evaluator and, as such, can assess injuries for workers’ compensation claims. Dr. Isaac Schmidt frequently volunteers his medical services to charitable causes. Most recently, he traveled to Haiti to assist the earthquake victims. In 2004, he visited the Black Lion Hospital in Ethiopia to give instruction on orthopedic surgical techniques. Dr. Isaac Schmidt is a member of the Los Angeles County Medical Association, the American Medical Association, and the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery.
My Links
- Isaac Schmidt on About Me
- Isaac Schmidt on Wordpress
- Isaac Schmidt on Businesscard 2