
Im CHAKRADAHR . B, freelance web designer based in Hyderabad, India. With over four years of experience in designing industry, I've served many clients from almost all major business sectors in India and abroad. I continually strive to ensure high standards are met and consistency is maintained throughout an entire project. My Career Simply put 6+ years of experience in developing small and medium websites, Flash websites, Product demos using flash, Multimedia presentations, e - cards and many more. Through my Freelance design work I have developed several web applications, such as E-commerce web sites, Content Management Systems as well as Static or Flash websites for customers all over the world. Me and my tools I specialise in Macromedia Flash, which means that I am able to create complex websites with animation, presentations, banners and more. I am able to create the industry standard XHTML/CSS websites that comply with W3C standards. Alternatively, I can also create standard HTML websites using programs such as Macromedia Dreamweaver and Microsoft FrontPage. I am also proficient in other areas that make up new media design, such as graphics design in vector and raster graphics formats using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, which enables me to create projects for print based mediums e.g. magazines, business cards, business documents and corporate identities. Working as a Freelance Web Designer effective time management is a must, in order to ensure that the project will be completed with in the agreed time scale.
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