Brenda Schodt

Brenda Schodt is an accomplished artist who makes a living doing what she loves: painting. Having graduated from Arizona State University (ASU) in May of 1985 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design, Mrs. Schodt has spent many years honing her craft. During the last semester of her college term, Brenda Schodt was one of only a handful of talented students selected by professors to participate in the Graphic Design Workshop. Today, Brenda Schodt is the owner of Southwest Ornaments, LLC., the company she founded in 1997. In addition to the day-to-day responsibilities of running a small business, Brenda Schodt personally creates designs (mostly Southwestern and Christmas in theme) and carefully hand paints them onto glass ornaments. She then sells her ornaments to several gift shops throughout the state of Arizona. Mrs. Schodt also custom designs ornaments for companies, holiday parties, and weddings. However, Brenda Schodt’s talents extend far beyond hand painting ornaments. She also offers guests and family members a unique wedding gift choice in her custom hand painted sandstone and flagstone slabs, on which Mrs. Schodt paints the church where the couple was wed. Through her passion for art, Brenda Schodt enthusiastically helps her community by donating her ornaments to charities. Some organizations that have benefitted from Mrs. Schodt’s generosity are The Muscular Dystrophy Foundation, the Tempe Community Action Agency, Inc., The Emily Center at Phoenix Children’s Hospital, the Arizona Basset Hound Rescue Organization, The Melonhead Foundation, and Breast Cancer Research. She has also donated her artwork to San Marcos Elementary School to help raise money for school supplies for needy children. When Brenda Schodt is not exercising her creativity through painting, she can be found outdoors playing tennis, biking, and rose gardening in sunny Arizona.