Ananda Kumar Maharjan

Namaste! I'm Ananda K. Maharjan, Nepal based Graphic/Web Designer and CSS developer. I aim to create unique and modern web sites which comply with standards. I'm passionate about graphic and web design. I have extensive knowledge in print production and I'm always looking to expand my skills on XHTML and CSS. I started my career as a Graphic Designer in 2002. I worked as a Senior Graphic Designer for Format Printing Press and DigiScan Pre-Press for six years. After acquiring knowledge in Graphic Designing I was interested in web-designing and started designing websites from 2005. Then I was interested in tableless CSS designs and Blogging. With the help of various online tutorials, e-books, blogs and forums, I have acquired competitive skills in various modern web design technologies such as XHTML, CSS, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash and InDesign. My interests include photography, typography, reading blogs, music, movies and outdoor sports activities. Creative web design requires continuous learning and exposure to divergent ideas. I am currently mastering my skills in PHP, MySQL, CMS, Flash, Javascript and Ajax. If you are interested in contacting me about any freelance work that you would like to offer, please contact me at: [email protected]
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