Doctor of Medicine, Respiratory Disesaes Specialist, Doctor managing of Allergy Center Tunisia :http://www.allergycenter-tn.com/
Main treated diseases : Lung cancer, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), Asthma, Pulmonary infections, Tuberculosis, Pneumothorax, all of allergic diseases (respiratory, cutaneous, eye, food, medicinal or insect bites....)
I am animateur and member of the Anaforcal France (NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF IN-SERVICE TRAINING IN STUDY OF ALLERGIES) for medical doctors specialists in allergic diseases.
Medicine, Pulmonology, Allergic diseases,Clinical Trial, COPD, Lung cancer, Asthma
16, Syria street, 1002 Tunis Tunisia
Phone: (+216 ) 71 835222 Faxes: (+216 ) 71 832833
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- Abdelwaheb